Here’s a recap of the best cider news worth sharing:

1) Josh Bernstein explores how cideries are cross-pollinating with breweries in American Cider Goes Mainstream.
2) The 2016 Good Food Awards Finalists are announced. 13 cider producers were revealed as Finalists, with Argus, Big B’s, Eden, Shacksbury, and Snowdrift receiving multiple awards. Winners will be announced on January 15th.
3) The Cider Maker is a short video narrated by and featuring Trevor Newman. Check out Trevor’s site The Fruit Nut to learn more about pomology, uncommon fruits, and orcharding. (Hat tip to Bill Lyon for the video.)
4) Wassail co-owner Sabine Hrechdakian gathers Steve Wood, Eleanor Leger, Andy Brennan, and the Fish & Game crew for Cider Dialogues, Part One.
5) Cider Made Simple author Jeff Alworth and co-host Patrick Emerson talk about cider in the latest episode of the Beervana Podcast. (Ever wondered what scrumpy really means? Jeff asks Tom Oliver about it at 29:58.)
6) Cider Chat interviews Field Maloney of West County Cider in Massachusetts and Wouter Bijl of CiderCider in Rotterdam.
7) Good Fruit Grower chats with DeFisher Fruit Farms about topworking apple trees to quickly incorporate more cider varieties in their orchards. The DeFisher family runs Rootstock Ciderworks and Apple Country Spirits in Williamson, New York.
8) An all-star sampling panel convenes for a single-varietal tasting in The Kingston Black Apple Shows Its Character.
9) Cider Connoisseur reviews the $4.99 Dan Armor Cuvée Spéciale Cidre Brut offering from Trader Joe’s. Along Came a Cider reviews El Chavo from Blake’s Hard Cider and Smoked Pumpkin from Tieton Cider Works. And Cider Says reviews The Mitten from Virtue Cider, Mala-Hop from Tod Creek Craft Cider, and Pear from Original Sin.
10) On tap: the opening weekend of Cider Week NYC in New York City, Franklin County CiderDays in Massachusetts, CiderFest NC in Asheville, the Hard Core Cider Tour in Los Angeles, and the Great Welsh Beer & Cider Festival in Cardiff.
If you’ll be at CiderDays or Cider Week NYC, I hope our paths cross. Have a great weekend!