Here’s a recap of the best cider news worth sharing:

1) “The business turns fruit waste in northern Colorado into a viable income stream, food source, educational tool and locally sustained product.” Branch Out Cider utilizes unique community orchard model takes a look at the business model and sustainability principles of the award-winning cidermaker from Fort Collins.
2) BevNET Magazine posts two stories on the trajectory of the cider industry: Behind the Cider Slowdown and Regional Cideries on the Rise. (For an insider perspective, read the latest from Cidernomics: Apple choices: What’s in YOUR cider? and The Cider Value Chain, Illustrated.)
3) Make room, wineries and brewpubs: Cider is surging in Virginia is an excellent summary from The Washington Post. Featured in the article is Coyote Hole Ciderworks, a cidery-in-planning based in Mineral.
4) The Northwest Cider Association releases its Northwest Cider Survey 2016. And the North Central Regional Center for Rural Development shares its Hard Cider in the North Central Region survey results.
5) Dave Takush of 2 Towns Ciderhouse explains traditional French cidermaking for DRAFT Magazine in What the heck is keeved cider?
6) Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider releases Wooden Hellfire, a 16.6% ABV cider made by boiling apple juice for 18 hours prior to fermentation. (In Quebec this is known as cidre de feu, or fire cider.)
7) I was a recent guest on Wisconsin Public Radio so I could Tell Joy Where To Go For Hard Ciders. Mentioned during the segment are AeppelTreow, Ciderboys, Island Orchard, Maiden Rock, and White Winter. Visit ciderguide.com/wi and glintcap.org/wi for more.
8) Cidercraft shares Part 2 of its Ciderized Holiday Gift Guide. Part 1 featured The Original Cider Tasting Mug (with a free shipping offer that ends today). And Cider Chat interviews Hugh McKellar of Real Cider Reviews about Cider Books for Holiday Gift Giving.
9) CiderScene visits Saint Louis for an Interview with Schlafly Beer. Schlafly offers its own year-round cider as well as a Proper Cider Sampler Pack made in collaboration with Sandford Orchards in Devon.
10) Along Came a Cider reviews Black Diamond Hickster. Cider Says reviews Thatchers Green Goblin, Vermont Cider Company Addison, and Vermont Cider Company Wassail. The Milled Apple reviews Embark Craft Ciderworks Tart Cherry Barrel Aged and Le Brun Brut Cider de Bretagne. drycider reviews Windfall Orchard Farmhouse Cider and West County Heritage Apple. Sipology reviews Uncle John’s Cider Rosé. Simple Cider Reviews tries Eaglemount Boot Brawl, Tilted Tree Blueberry Buzz, Cockrell Blackberry, and Blue Mountain Eden Ridge. Cider Society reviews Hunter’s Pure Gold, Pollen Cider, and Hardscrabble Citra. The Cider Drinker reviews Orchard’s Blakeney Red Perry and Caple Rd Dry and opens packages from Orchard Box and 33 Books Co. Cider Steve reviews Angioletti Secco. And Real Cider Reviews tries Henry of Harcourt Kingston Black 2015.
Have a great weekend!