Alpenfire Cider

Port Townsend, Washington (USA)

πŸ† Best in Class: 0
πŸ₯‡ Gold: 1
πŸ₯ˆ Silver: 4
πŸ₯‰ Bronze: 5
πŸ… Total: 10

First Medal: 2011
Last Medal: 2017
Years: 5
Status: Active

YearMedalistπŸ† BICπŸ₯‡ GoldπŸ₯ˆ SilverπŸ₯‰ BronzeTotal
2017Alpenfire Cider00101
2014Alpenfire Cider01124
2013Alpenfire Cider00112
2012Alpenfire Cider00112
2011Alpenfire Cider00011

2017πŸ₯ˆ SILVEREmberTraditional Cider – Dry
2014πŸ₯‡ GOLDOrganic Pirate’s Plank Bone DryEnglish Cider
2014πŸ₯ˆ SILVERDungeness SemisweetEnglish Cider
2014πŸ₯‰ BRONZEOrganic Ember BittersweetFrench Cider
2014πŸ₯‰ BRONZESpark! SemisweetNew World Cider
2013πŸ₯ˆ SILVERGlow RosΓ© Hard CiderSpecialty Cider and Perry
2013πŸ₯‰ BRONZEOrganic Pirate’s PlankWood Aged Cider and Perry
2012πŸ₯ˆ SILVERSpark! Semi-SweetSpecialty Cider and Perry
2012πŸ₯‰ BRONZEPirate’s Plank – Bone DryWood Aged Cider and Perry
2011πŸ₯‰ BRONZEPirate’s Plank-Bone DrySpecialty Cider and Perry